She is an angel



Emily's 1st year

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She is so Precious

Yes, she is a girl

A very big girl

She was loved even before she existed…

I was so beautiful, healthy and blessed

Mommy and Daddy fell in love with my bright eyes

Daddy was so proud!

Randy and Glenda were the first to see me

Then Nancy and Bob

And Carol and Lloyd

Then it was time to go home….

During the first month of my life I would only rest


And rest…

My first Christmas

My first bath…

Before anybody knew I was 2 months old!

When I was tired I could sleep in the most awkward position you can image…

Then , I was 4 months old

This was my favorite summer dress! Don’t I look cute?

So happy the spring finally came and I could enjoy the


Mommy says I’m the most beautiful baby in the world!

Then, I was 5 months old

The Dietzenbach’s and I

Then I was 6 months old

Doing Laundry with Mommy…

Then, I was 7 months old and crawling!

Loved my trip to Brazil

I Loved the beach!

Then I was 8 months old

So big… and so happy!

Then I was 9 months old

Bath time is my favorite part of the Day!

I can run around this coffee table over 100 mph

Then I was 10 months old

Then, I was 11 months old

Isabella and I were little shepherds at church school

Emily came into our world to bring joy, happiness and brighten our life. Thank you Lord, for this precious gift! The best gift we could’ve

ever received.


