Select Portrait oil paintings to be a medium of art decor in your home


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Select Portrait oil paintings to be a medium of art decor in your home

Like the precious moments captured in the cameras, oil paintings by famous

painters also act as a good home furnishing to adorn the walls of your homes. This

will not only emphasize your aesthetic sense but also boost up the ambience

making it look as the perfect place to stay. A painting alone can transform a drab

wall into a piece of art. Oil paintings are the timeless custodians of art which seizes

the social and cultural life of the era left long back in the past.

Oil painting is the art of painting with different pigments which are then bound by

dry oil. Various types of oils are then applied to the painting to give them the

finishing touch and the glossy approach. Portrait oil paintings can be a good

source of gifting as well as serve the purpose of decorating the homes. From ages,

the grand masters in art have worked relentlessly on portraits to bring out every

emotional and psychology aspects on art

paper and canvas. The well known portrait

painting is the Mona Lisa where Leonardo Da

Vinci has attempted to bring out the

complexities in a woman’s mind. Her serene

smile still makes her beholders think whether

she is smiling in pain or just mocking others

while reveling in her beauty.

The post impressionist artwork of Vincent

Van Gogh oil painting is a fine piece of

modern paintings which is so different from its predecessors and mainly

concentrated on landscapes, still lives and flowers citing an example for the 20th

century painters. The paintings of Van Gough vividly display his playfulness with

lights where most of his paintings are draped in yellow, mauve and ultramarine.

Although his artwork lacked the artistic contexts, the painter excelled in colors and

brought out the vibrant colors to identify their proper meanings in his art pieces.

His paintings were not realistic but they were impressions of what we see around

us. As per Van Gough’s own judgment of the Night at the Café, it is a place where a

person can drown himself in all kinds of miseries.

The impression work of Claude Monet is easier to relate with those that we see

around us. The Monet oil painting impression works succeed in presenting one’s

viewpoint to nature in order to display the seasonal changes and the gaiety of

lights. The paintings of Claude Monet gave the idea that light, shadow and colors

can be played simultaneously with impressions as well; not necessarily to bring

flesh and body on the canvas.

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