Radio advert And Voiceover


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Radio Advert

Voice actor: Hair grows at an average rate of 6 inches per year, whether you wax, pluck, trim or

shave; your hair isn’t going anywhere.

Voice actor: Take a look into the growing phenomenon that is hair. It can transform your

appearance for the better /

(Panache clip “I just love the overall side of it, people coming in wanting to be totally different going

out. It’s just a matter of feeling good when they walk out the door” )

Voice actor: And for other’s this process can be a surreal experience

*Audio Clip* (Sechele voice clip.)

Voice actor: No matter what; your hair makes you who you are. *Scissor snipping sound* Short cuts

No appointment necessary. 8pm December 18th, Channel 4.

Voiceover (All)

There are more than thirty five thousand hair salons in the UK, with an annual turnover of more than

6 billion pounds. It’s safe to say that we are pretty obsessed with our hair; but how much effort do

we really go to in order to look after it? (To fit in a 10 – 13 second gap)

Almost everyone wants to have a great-looking hairstyle, and with so many hairdressers and barbers

out there, as well as products used at home, why shouldn’t they?

Hair frames our faces and is essential in maintaining our identity. But how does this affect people

who are identical? (To fit in a maximum of 7seconds)

With hair being such an accessible field to experiment with what is the professionals’ opinion

Hairdressing is quite a different experience for the substantial portion of the population, for certain

communities it can be essential social event.
