Question 1 prelim


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Question 1What have you learned during the making of your preliminary task?

Technical Aspects• Attaching cameras to tripods – to attach a camera to a tripod

there is a circular screw in the head of the tripod; to remove this there is a clip, once this is open the screw is accessible. Once you have removed the screw you will see that there is a tapped hole, this is where the screw goes. Tightly secure in the screw, meaning it is unable to loosen while the camera is on the tripod. After you have fixed in the screw place this back onto the tripod head, where you removed it from however this time the camera will be attached. To lock this into place close the open clip.• Setting up tripods – unlock the leg locks and adjust them to the

length that you require them to be. Once you have reached your required length make sure all leg locks are closed.

Technical Aspects• Premiere Pro – before you begin to use premiere pro ensure all your footage and files are in the

storage place you wish for them to be in; when you start using the programme you are unable to move these files from their storage space as it will cause it to be lost when you next come to work on your project.• Using Premiere Pro – when you use premiere pro to access your files you go to file, import and find

the storage space you saved your video. Once you have found the footage double click the file and this will open in preview, grab the video/MP3 you want from the side and drag it to the bar across the bottom. After you have ordered all your clips you can edit these with fades etc. This is done by going to, will have a choice of audio and video. When you have found an effect you want to use you click and hold the effect and drag it to the clip you are wanting to change.• When you have finished – once you have finished your video ensure all you audio levels are out of

the red, if not go to audio and alter this as it will sound distorted. Then go to file, export, media, to file. Once you have done this you will have to convert the video to an AVI Widescreen, and then press Queue and play. Your file is saved.

Technical AspectsFile -> import

PreviewDrag and place in the bar across the


Audio bar

Video itself

How to Manage Time• I feel our time was managed reasonably well as we did two

after school sessions to ensure we had enough time to check everything was finalised. One of the main thing which caused us to loose time was the location we picked. This is because we chose the medical room, this of course meant there was numerous incidents meaning we were unable to film. When we arranged an after school filming session we managed to get the scenes we had left filmed and finished the video. • I also think that after school sessions are also more

productive as our group was focused and we managed to get a lot of work done.

Group Work• I feel our group worked well together as we all got along and we also

all agreed on the story line for the task, this meant we were able to storyboard and start filming quickly and efficiently. We also all shared the work load equally, no-one had to do more or felt pressured to do more work than the others.

Storyboarding• I have learnt that what you storyboard is not necessarily what you

end up with in your final product. For example, within ours we still followed the basis of the storyboard however some of the scenes and ideas changed when we came to filming in the medical room, due to hurdles we had to over come, and once we were in the environment it evoked numerous new ideas.

Issues Around Continuity• I have learnt it is important to look at the

clip which follows or is before the clip you are about to film, this is because it allows you to notice areas you need to be aware of while filming this clip. This is because in one clip you see Alex closing the door, yet in the next you see the door open. Luckily we were able to cut this before Alex shut the door this meant our continuity was more or less on throughout.
