My 21th century museum - Barack Obama


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Barack Obama

I think is important to understand a thing: I was already black before becoming president.

The hope makes free.

The change has now arrived. There are not blue States and States red, there are the United States of America.

I will be always honest with you, I will listen to you, even if we will otherwise think.

In America nothing is impossible. - Barack Obama.

Who was Barack Obama, and why do we remember him?

• Barack Hussein Obama II

• 44° President of USA

• First African American to old the office

• 2008 first election

• he was nothing

• Harvard

• 2012 re-election VS Mitt Roomney

• 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

A little of his private life to know better him…

•‘89 met Michelle Robinson

•1992 they got married

•Malia and Sasha

•Bo, from Senator Ted Kennedy


•He tried to quit smoking

• he was Christian

What was the so famous “YES WE CAN”?

•Incisive slogan


•Strong messagge, intense

•Change is possible


Why I decided to put Barack Obama in my museum?

Thanks Obama!

•Best President ever

•I will always support him

•So pround