Meet Danielle - a Nudge Village member




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Meet Danielle

A fellow Nudge Villager

Danielle likes to take pictures

She created a website

…and a few people came to it

She sent out emails….offering great deals to people

…and some people took advantage of the offer

…and liked what they saw

…they wanted more people to know

about Danielle’s photography


…and she said “Yes!”

They asked her to be the 1st Villager on Nudge Village!

Danielle made another special offer!


She also promoted it through Nudge Village!


Over 40 photo shoots!

Plus… She read daily nudges and learned about a resource

She went to the resource ( and joined a meeting - learned about how to do her taxes as a new entrepreneur

Danielle was so inspired she started her own group! 20+

members so far!

Danielle is on the road to success

Let’s learn, grow, and share with Danielle and each other at Nudge Village!

…just a little village storyfrom
