London Modern Tate Gallery



A sight of the Modern Tate Gallery in London

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Saint Paul Cathedral from the Tate roof restaurant

The Millenium “Wobbly” Bridge

The anchored Tate side of the “Wobbly” Bridge

Maman Spider

Louise Bourgeois

Gonna crunch you all guys

The overhelming reality

The Wallin the Turbine Hall

How long did it take him to climb up the stool?

Take your rest and don’t be worried about me, guys…I feel good in my box

Ave Maria 2007

Maurizio Cattelan

Venere di Stracci – Mimmo Pellegrino

A dancer of the choreographer Michael Clark during a dance performance in the Turbine Hall

Doris Salcedo – Shibboleth 2007

Jumping across the earthquake crack in the Turbine Hall…

… and than flying away from there
