King Street Station Marble Wall Installation3.3.11 slide show




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Marble Wall Installation

March 3, 2011

Original marble panels returned to site to be reinstalled onto new walls.

Masons carefully installed marble panels back onto its original locations.

The intricate reinstallation process preserves the historic marble.

Original baggage area with its marble walls fully reinstalled.

A bare column waiting to be wrapped with marble.

A column with its marble reinstalled.

Damaged granite on the west wall being replaced with salvaged granite.

New northeast plaza column erected to support the sidewalk above.

Decorative plaster panels on the 2nd floor balcony were removed during structural investigations.

Removed plaster pieces were carefully catalogued for future reference.

Designate waste containers help keep the work area clean and green.

Sound proof insulation framework installed adjacent to shear wall.

New interior partitions inside baggage area.

Trench drains shown will help divert water and prevent flooding on Jackson Plaza.

Aerial view of Jackson Plaza with tree planter forms in place.

Future planters will make Jackson Plaza a welcoming pedestrian area.
