How to Use Canva for Beginners


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www.aimdynamicvp. com

Canva is an amazing

tool to create awesome

visual contents.

It is fast, easy and

free to use.

Are you ready?

Let’s start!

Open your browser

and go to

You can sign up with Facebook,

with Google,

or make an account in Canva.

Enter your Full Name or User Name.

Enter email address.

Confirm email address.

Create a password.

Select from any of the buttons.

It will lead you to this page.

Take the Beginner’s Challenge.

We can start creating our own design.

Click Start your own design.

Welcome to your

CANVA home screen!

Before we start

creating our artwork…

let’s have a tour for

a moment.

Every designs you

make will appear here.

All designs shared with you.

You can add folder…

to nicely organize your artwork.

And delete whenever you like.

Click this button for assistance…

and you will be

prompted to…

Canva’s help center page.

Click this plus button.

To show other pre-made


Choose from Social Media Post,

template for Documents,

Blogging & eBooks,

Marketing Materials, Social Media

& Email Headers,

even for Events and Ads!

You can customize dimension,

and create your own

width and height.

Now, let’s go to

Canvaworking page

and create a poster!

Click Poster Icon.

Another tab will open.

This is your working page.

Click this to add another page.

or make a copy of your work.

Choose any layouts you like.

Click elements for more options.

Background selections.

Please take note that

there are…

FREE template designs for background

and designs that will cost a DOLLAR.

Let’s try simple

design first.

Choose any layout

design for your poster.

Click appropriate color for your


If you prefer to

customize the color…

click plus (+) sign.

Delete all the contents.

Adding picture or


There are two


You can search for a photo.

Type “cute baby” images

or upload your own images.

Images can be source

out from your…

computer, images you bought

and from Facebook.

To upload picture

from your computer.

Click upload your own image.

Locate the folder where your

images are stored.

type the folder name,

or double click the folder.

Select the picture/s you want

to upload.

Another option is you

can drag it…

from the folder to working space.

Images are successfully


Click the image you will use.

You can edit the image

according to your


Editing tool bar.

Resize the picture by

dragging the side buttons.

Click Filter.

Click EPIC.

Adjust brightness or contrast.

Want to return to

original image?

just click Undo.

Click Advanced Options,

for more editing selections.

You may also crop the photo…

just click the crop button.

Put the picture on the center.

Next step is typing

your favorite


Click text box.

Scroll down and see hundreds of options.

Let’s use pre-designed template for

this example.

Select one type of text template.

Type the quotation you chose.

Edit the text.

Click the font type.

Select chosen font style.

Changing the font size.

Click font size that matches

your design.

Click the color button.

and change the font’s color.

Positioning the text

in the center.

Click the text box.

Click the down button and

select center.

Place all the text in the center.

Search for a heart shape image.

Drag image to the poster.

Resize the heart image.

Copy the heart image.

and place to the other side.


You made an awesome poster!

Putting title on your design, click here.

Type the Title of your design.

Your Poster is


You can either download it…

share in Facebook, Tweeter and

email addresses.

Now, you know the


go ahead… unleash

your creativity.

Have fun learning!

Thank you for reading!


www.aimdynamicvp. com

for other dynamic tutorial guides

I would love to hear

your comments.

Sources: (baby image)