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By Mia.R

Once upon a time a girl named Giselle wanted to be famous. She wanted to be an actress and a model. Her father was a film director but she said that she didn´t want to be an actress because of him.

When she was 14 years old, her self-esteem was low because she went to a casting to be a model and they say no to her. All her school friends bullied because of her appearance.

When she was 14 too, she dressed in black, she collected knives, she dyed her hair purple and she had tatoos. She was very naughty so she killed some of her pets doing experiments.

She left her drama class and she wanted to work at a mortuary. When she finished the high school she took drama classes again.

Her mum died when she was around 27 years old. Some years later she became an actress and she won lots of Oscars. Later she married a man and now she´s famous and happy.

The End
