EVALUATION : Question 2


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The woman represented is very Indie looking, facing directly to the audience to relate to them. The clothes she wears are not revealing her in any way so it is not giving across the wrong impression about woman cover singers.

Sexuality: Hetrosexual. It is not clear what sexuality she is so it is not specific to certain group of people.

Black and white artists: Ethnic diversity. This way there is no exclusion of a band or singer due to their race/culture.

Various ages for a range of audience. Mainly 19-25 year olds.

Social Class: Not stated so nobody who wishes to read it does not feel discriminated.

Gender is represent through the fact there are various headlines with both male and females to show equality.

The female here is shown once again to be covered up, this is aimed at the younger readers to show them to dress in a sensible manor. Her hair is tided back and she is looking natural to again show that you don’t have to flaunt anything to become famous.

Inspirational male Indie band which shows variety of social class as the lead singer was homeless and shows variety of background in his band.

A variety of male and female artists, races, ages and from different countries so my magazine audience