Evaluation final


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Skyline – usually giving information about offers or information or things that might feature in the magazine

Sell lines – Writing which tells the reader about other articles in the magazine, they usually down the side or at the bottom of the page.

Barcode & price – The barcode allows the magazine to be scanned at the checkout, it is usually at the bottom right corner. The price of the magazine will be shown at the bottom with the barcode. The size of the price shown depends on how expensive the magazine is.

Masthead- name of the magazine. The masthead will normally be the biggest part of text on the page.

Anchorage text- writing relating to the main image which tells you what the main picture is about.

Main image – the big picture in the middle of the page which is the main focus.

Front cover

Masthead- name of the magazine. The masthead will normally be the biggest part of text on the page. On my magazine I have made the masthead large so it stands out, but it also sits behind the persons head which magazine tend to do.

Anchorage text- writing relating to the main image which tells you what the main picture is about. I have made this bigger than the sell lines but not so big that is covers the width of the page.

Main image – the big picture in the middle of the page which is the main focus. I have put the model with her eyes at about three quarters up the page which obeys the conventions of a magazine.

Puff(s) – gives information about content in the magazine, is usually in the shape of a circle or star. I chose to use a yellow circle because it stand out against everything on the cover.

Barcode – The barcode allows the magazine to be scanned at the checkout, it is usually at the bottom right corner.

Sell lines – Writing which tells the reader about other articles in the magazine, they usually down the side or at the bottom of the page. On my magazine used two sell lines along the right hand side.

Date line – on my magazine I have put in a date line instead of having it next to the barcode where most ,magazines have it.

Front cover


This contents page has a greyscale with the heart being red which is the only colour on the page. This is because people will be drawn to this because is eye catching that the heart stands out.

The contents title which says ‘contents’ is in three lines this works because its different to most layouts. The bold black stands out against the grey.

The writing here is in a fancy font which is good because it flows and is completely different compared to the rest of the text. The column that the text is in is slanted like the model in the picture. This is effective because it looks in place with the picture.

By using on large picture it more attractive to the reader instead of loads of little picture that fill up the page. This is also a very bold photo which makes him stand out on the page and will be the first this the reader looks ay.


Here on my contents page I have put in a clear column that has all the features in the magazine.

I have used the technique of putting the title on three lines. I have made it bold block colour so will stand out and can be seen easily. I have also put a white shadow behind it to make it stand out even more and to link with the colour scheme. I found that it looked more in place when there were parts of the page that were cut off.

I used one large photo on my contents for the back ground image. I think the photo sticks out because it drops behind the column but is catching the readers eye more than the column. I chose to use grey scale because the lighting on the original photo I didn't like even after editing. But I really wanted to use this phot so I used greyscale and it has linked well with the colour scheme.

On my contents page I have used a blue, white, black and grey colour scheme. I think that the colours used together look really good and match my double page spread.

Here I have put in more photos because I thought the page looked a bit bare. I have used a blue box behind the photos so it doesn’t look like the photos have just been chucked in.

For the text in the column I have used white for the page numbers and black for the page information. The blue text is for the main parts of the magazine I feel that he text colour choices worked well and stand out so I feel its easier to read.

Double page spreadLarge big black bold title that goes across a third of the page. This is the first thing the reader will look at and then the large s for the drop can and then start reading. The idea of a large drop cap is good because it will draw readers in to the text.

In the corner there is a picture used to make the page look less bare. There is a quote layered on top of the picture so the reader is more likely to look at the quote then the picture after reading the columns.

On this page there are there clear columns of text. I like the way the texts wraps itself around the other things on the page.

There is a quote on a green background so its not just black texted placed on the page. The green follows the double pages colour scheme. I like it how it sits on the image and the text around it. The quote looks imbedded into the page.

There is one main image used on the double page of the band. It goes over slightly onto the right hand page. Most magazines wont have anything going over the crease of the pages. But I think with the title coming into the picture is looks quite effective.

On this double page spread there is a colour scheme but is only used a bit. The scheme is black, white, olive green and grey. Quite plain colours but together it makes the page look very professional.

Double page spread

On my double page spread I have put in two separate images and merged them together to look like one. I have put the pictures at the sides so I can fit two columns in the middle. I played around for a while trying to get the picture in the right place and if one should be bigger or not but this is what I finished with.

I have put two columns in my double page spread. I have used white for the interviewer asking the questions and blue text for the band members answers. I think that this way it looks a lot clearer to look at and to read rather then on colour. By using these colours I was able to stick to the colour scheme of blue, white, black and grey. At the beginning I have included a drops cap, a lot of magazines use these.

In this corner I have put in a tour dates table. I feel that this makes the page a bit busy and gives the reader a bit more to look at when then turn to this double page spread. This box also follows the colour scheme.

With the right hand title I have used blue and white. I have made mirage white and a different font that is the same as on the front cover. I feel that this make the bands name stand out more, so its one of the first thing the reader reads with the white arrow to it. The blue font is bold and also stands out next to the white text.

The right and title I have used a white bold text to stand out against the black background which gives a nice contrast. I think that this side is the fist thing the reader will look at because it stands out the most. The arrows line is the same width as the bar on the H. this I like because it flows from the text to the other title . Both titles are three lines and both have around the same size font that is bold.


The social groups that are represented in my magazine are the readers which you expect to see buying a modern music magazine which would be mostly younger generation but will have a few older buyers who are very interested in music that is up and coming and who likes to stay up to date with music.

The people who will be buying the magazine would be • People of teens to middle age (14-40)• Older people who are interested in new music• Teens who like to read about music industry • Both genders• People who are interested in indie/rock• Any person can buy it, its not overly expensive for what it is.

My contents page and double page spread both follow the same colour scheme so its easy on the eye so that anyone can read it from my target audience. My front cover has clear titles so that thy can be seen from across the shop to draw people in. I have used a colour scheme that appeals to older and younger people so that this would make my target audience bigger which will make the fan base larger and that this type of music indie/rock, most age range like this type of this music.


Because my target audience is young teen to middle age, the younger generation will have all there music digitally on their iPod or IPhone using apps like iTunes store, Spotify or sound cloud to buy and stream their music. whereas the middle aged people may still like going to high-street stores like HMV to get hard copies of an album on a vinyl or CD. The majority of people buy their music on a digital device instead of getting hard copies. So id think id go to a digital institution and find a good place to sell the bands music to people. I think that more copies would sell online than hard copies bought in stores. When the band starts out and is up and coming I would put their songs on YouTube so they get more well known and then when they get big enough put their work on Spotify and iTunes then keep posting on YouTube as they get bigger. I also would have separate companies for merchandise sales telling t shirts to shops and other band merchandise like cups and wristbands.

I think that Bauer media will be suitable for the distribution for my magazine. This is because Bauer has more experience with producing rock magazines which are successful and how it has experience with young adults.


The target audience for my band would be people who are into rock/indie music. I think that the age range can vary from young teen to middle age people. The band aren't aimed at a specific age group. I think this way they would be more popular with a larger fan base. I think that the audience would be city based not country, I feel that there will be more fans in the cities because of the gigs they would play in the cities where more people are. The band is aimed at both sexes and is quite a mellow rock sounding band so is light rock. I think more people would listen to this type of music because its like indie music which is very main stream and has a very big fan base and the audience varies a lot in different people. I made the style of my magazine with colours that have a scheme so it looks more professional and slick because my target audience is young teen to middle age so I wouldn’t have bright colours and loads and loads of pictures all over the magazine because that would be more appealing for young kids who love colour and that’s not what I'm aiming for. Although my target audience is young teen to middle age I think the bigger portion of my bands audience would be younger because younger people have better access to information on the internet and the music itself so there would be more younger fans who would follow the bands updates on internet sites like twitter and Facebook. I also think that more younger people will go to gigs to see the band, so the band would be more well known with the younger generation.


I used bands such as peace and Bombay bicycle club who are related to my band. I think that this helps my magazine to be advertised because people who like rock/indie music will be more inclined to buy the magazine because my magazine appeals to that type of music. I have used fonts that are basic and not sharp or bubbly. Magazines that use sharp edged fonts tent to be heavy metal rock and magazines that use bubbly fonts would be like pop music. So I had my font and kind of simple using bold fonts and san serif fonts. I feel that this type of font will appeal to the older readers who like the music content and don’t want to see all these colourful curly, bubbly font all over the page, if it was, they wouldn’t buy it. On the double page spread and contents page I have put a clear colour scheme of blue black white and grey. I chose this because when it was all finished off it looked very professional which was what I wanted to do from the start. These colours together I think look very slick and I think these would be fun and modern to look at by the younger readers. On these two pages I have used big bold titles at the top of the pages, these I feel are easy to read and shout out to the reader.


I had never used InDesign before making this product but now after making my double page spread in InDesign I can confidently place images and edit them till I'm happy with them. I can lay out a page and insert text, change the colour and fonts that I have downloaded to suit my magazine. I have learnt to use the transparency and gradient tool to change the brightness or the boldness of the shape or image. I had already used Photoshop before we started this project so I knew the basics which really helped me with starting the front cover. I knew how to select part of an image and make that part a new layer to overlap text or another image. On my front cover I was able insert text and change the size of its width or length and the spacing of the text this allowed me to put the texts as close as I wanted. I leaned how to set up a photo shoot with three lights.one either side showing the light coming in diagonally and one light coming down on the object. I then learned how to take a clean crisp photo for my magazine. I can now take photos with a different shutter speed and a main focus point. A lot of skills I learnt in my preliminary I used in my main project and it was very helpful when trying to basic things at the beginning stages. I can now merge two images together to make one image I did this with my double page spread on InDesign. On my contents page I have the title in two layers of the same thing with the front one blue and the back one white and placed behind one another and moved to the right a bit to give the title a white shadow and it will almost look 3D on the page. I did this to grab the readers eye.


On the left hand picture is my preliminary contents page that I made. I had the pages features and their page numbers with a title with pictures. On the right is my magazine contents it has the same thing than on the right but I have learned the conventions of a magazine so I was able to lay the contents page out better and put in a colour scheme and have the pictures and the text in the right places.

On the left is my preliminary front cover. I thought that this was a good warm up to make the really thing. I leaned to overlay text and parts of the photo to put text behind the person on the right. On this I learned to place text along the side of the page, this helped a lot in my music magazine. On the right is my music magazine front cover. I have put on puffs which I didn’t have on my preliminary front cover. On this my music mag I have got date lines and correct placement of the phot and text.