Eric+jess 2 19-11[1]




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Our Engagement!Our Engagement!

February 19, 2011

As a background – Eric knows that Grand

Central is one of my favorite places – I think

it is SO pretty, and I love all the hustle and

bustle … so for my birthday weekend in the city, Eric planned

for us to take the train in rather than drive so

we could arrive in Grand Central. When we got to the station, Eric suggested we go

to some of my favorite places to take pictures (I love these lights!) …

As I was showing him all the wonders of Grand Central, he said we should get our picture taken (he hates getting his picture taken…hmmm), so I grabbed a random tourist who was happy to oblige (see above). Then we noticed a man next to us taking pictures of the station on a very professional-looking camera, so Eric asked him to take another picture of us, but from farther away so that we could “get all the lights behind us”… I was beginning to wonder why my boyfriend was suddenly so interested in getting his picture taken…

See that bulge in his pocket? Yeah, I didn’t notice it either…

After Eric said something on the sly to the photographer about giving him a “cue” when to take the picture, he walked over to where I was getting ready to pose and pretended like he needed to tie his shoe… he’s so clever.

Jessica: “Are you serious?!”

Eric: “So is that a yes?”

I hadn’t even tried the ring on yet…

Jessica: “Hmm, let me take a closer look at this thing…”Eric (to the photographer): “I told you I’d give you a cue”

He did a good job … He did a good job … a really, really good job …a really, really good job …

At this point, the photographer asked if we could re-enact the proposal so he could take some better-resolution photos on his camera and email them to us…

if you look really closely, I’m wearing the ring – I wasn’t about to take it off …

Eric asking the photographer if he could stand up yet …

One last kissy-face picture to seal the deal…

The photographer who took our picture was part of a photography club visiting Grand Central from New Jersey – I guess their club was all abuzz with the news of our engagement for the rest of the weekend, and they want to feature us in their monthly newsletter… so we’re going to be in the next edition of the Monmouth Camera Club Newsletter, which is a riot.

And in response to everyone’s #1 question: No, we haven’t set a date yet – we’re letting the engagement sink in before we think about all that fun stuff. But obviously you will all be the first to know when we do.

Oh, and for those of you who were unaware of our nerdiness … we hope you enjoyed the powerpoint presentation.


Eric + Jess