"Ebola Fighters" Named 'Person of the Year 2014', from Time Magazine


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The Ebola Fighters Are Time

Magazine’s Person Of The Year

"Anyone willing to treat Ebola victims ran the risk of

becoming one," Time magazine editor-in-chief Nancy

Gibbs wrote in an editor's note. "For tireless acts of

courage and mercy, for buying the world time to boost

its defenses, for risking, for persisting, for sacrificing

and saving, the Ebola fighters are Time’s 2014 Person

of the Year.”

For the issue, the magazine published five covers

featuring different Ebola fighters.

Dr. Kent Brantly, 33SHAREPhysician

Dr. Jerry Brown, 46SHAREMedical director and general surgeon at the Eternal Love Winning Africa [ELWA] Hospital in Monrovia and director of the ELWA 2 Ebola treatment center

Dr. Jerry Brown

Ella Watson-Stryker is a 34-year-old public health officer from New York. She’s currently working with Médecins sans Frontières’ (MSF) health promotion team based in Monrovia, Liberia. This is her third deployment to West Africa since March 2014 and she’s now worked in all three countries where the Ebola outbreak is ongoing.

Photograph: John Moore/Getty Images

After surviving the Ebola, Salome Karwah decided to continue fighting the disease and join one of the centers that MSF has in Monrovia (Liberia) to care for the sick hemorrhagic fever.

Foday Galla, ambulance driver who survived the Ebola and now no doubt donate blood to help other patients.

"I will fight Ebola everything I can," said Galla.

Photo: Pascal Guyot/Getty Images.