Digital graphics evaluation pro forma james horbury


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Graphic Narrative Evaluation

Does your final product reflect your original intentions?

• From my digital flat plans you can see that I was planning to put two pages into one page but after script editing I managed to get it down to 10 pages with only one split page. You can also see that I wanted to make pages five and six one big Image, but in the end I chose to zoom in on page six because the page where looking to much alike. What changed the most was the script and how I chose to play out the story and how it works with the flat plans, so after editing the script I got it to work with my art style and where the writing will be on the page.

How well have you constructed your images?

• I have constructed my book with the use of shapes and the drawing pad, the aim of my work was to make it colourfully and out there, it also makes the images easy to look at and easy to take in and observe for the reader. The texture of my story is light and filled colours, the characters have a light colour to them with the use of shape I can have ever one hole colour and also add a shadow to them. Also using shapes I can stick to one art style with how the character look and are coloured.

How well have you used text to anchor your images

• The text anchor the images/story by saying what is going on and what has already happened. For example on page 8 the text SNAPP!!! Tells the reader what has happened and why the rat is flying away, also it tells the reader that the crocodile opened his mouth very quickly. The text gives meaning to the images and also tells you the outcome of the scene so when you move on to the next scene you know what is going on.

Is your product suitable for your audience?

“The age of my audience for my book is kids aged 3 to 6”

I chose this because I would like for parents to read it to they children, and I also believe that some kids at this age could read for themselves.

Audience profileAge: 3 to 6 Gender: male and female Class: noneLocation: English speaking country's

Age suitability for my book is that I uses bright colours and shapes because kids at this age are leaning about shapes and are drawn to bright colours.

Gender for my book is male and female because I have not forces on making my story for boys or girls, I have instead made a story that boys and girls can relate to, by dealing with cheating and racing which both genders deal with in their lives.

The class element of my book is non existed, any class of kids will like my book upper class or low they will lean something, like I said my book deals with cheater and any kid or adult deals with in they lives.

The running theme of my book is cheating and why it is wrong and why children shouldn’t do it, so any English speaking country can sale it and read it, this is because I believe that every child should be taught why cheating is bad and why no one wins if they do it.

Shape tool

Drawing tool

Fill tool

What do you like/dislike about the techniques you have used?

• For my character I manly use the shape tool to make them and the fill tool to get the colours and the drawing tool to make the background.

• What I like about my technique is that the character are easy to make as soon as I make it ones I can make them again in about 10 minutes. What I also like is that they have a theme to them and you can point them out in a line up because of the shapes and colours.

• What I dislike is that I can’t change anything about my character without breaking the theme of my character so I I’m forced to do the same thing to each of my characters and if I change anything the character will look completely different to the other characters.

What do you like/dislike about how your final product looks?

• What I do like about my final product is that it looks like a kids book and I can imagine me as a kid reading this, and I can image parents reading them to there kids. What I also liked about my book is how the characters turned out and how they look and feel.

• What I dislike about my final product is the text and how I made them and placed them on the page if I had spent more time on the font and what effects I could use, like I could in-large them or make the gaps between them bigger/smaller.

Why did you include the content you used?

• The images I used for my work was simply pictures of cartoon animals and I used the colours of the animals on my work to help me with finding the look.

• The font style I used was cooper std because it is not complex and is easy to read and also I it fits with the style of my work and how I have chosen to make my book.

• Effects were not the biggest thing going on in my book I used it for character when they move fast or are flying, from time to time I would include shadowing for my characters when it is needed.

• Colours is the biggest content of my book because I decided to have bright colour and no real dark colours because I wanted the reader to be happy reading it and bright colours do that.

What signs, symbols or codes have your used in your work?

• The choices of colours I made was to use bright colours to give a happy feel to it and a fun feel to it, I didn’t want the reader getting angry with the rat cheating, I wanted the reader to be happy when the crocodile wins and the rat comes in last place.

• The style of my work is almost kids drawing book style with it being bright and shapes so you could think a child coloured my book. Another style I have is the background and foreground style with it only having a couple of colours and only a couple of shapes, I did this because it was easier to make the background and to edit it when I needed to.

What signs, symbols or codes have your used in your work?

• I don’t really have any cultural competence on my work. One that could be class as a symbol would be the colour chose, with it being set on a river and having light water colours. Also the colours of the animal are a symbol I only chose animals that are light colours.

What representations can be found in your work?

• In my book I don’t any men, women, children and it doesn't have ages, races, social group or religions, my book is about a group of animals who have a race. My character do have representation with them having the same look but on one page I change the look completely and added swimming gear. What does have verity is the background and how the pages are set out with some being set on water and some on land, also how I lay out the page, with some zoomed in and some in a box lay out.

• The colours are differently representation I don’t change the colours of the characters or the background colours.

What style have you employed in your products?

• My work was influences by this image I got the idea of using the shape tool to make my characters and it has made it easy to quickly make one and to change how it looks for the page.

• The general inspiration for my book was any kids book today, that use bright colours and colours that are nice to the eyes.

• The visual style I did was bright colours and I didn’t want to use to many dark colours because I want the reader to be happy when reading it, and bright colours do that. Another visual chose was having the background be colourful and to have the sky being light and the grass to bright green and the water to be a mix of light and dark but still being colourful.

What were the strengths and weaknesses of the pre-production and planning

• The planning and research helped a lot, it gave me an idea of how my book will look at the end, when I was making my book I used my planning and research to remind me what my I needed to do and what I was looking for.

• I manage my time well I had a first draft of my book before the end of the first week, and into the second week I was adding detail to my and making it look better. Before I started my book I had already finished one page so that help with getting the book finished in time.

Historical and cultural context

• I feel with what I had to make my book and how long I had to make it. I think my work did compare well to work that has come before but wouldn't’t hold well with the work today but could with the work in the past.

• My work is similar to colouring books because I feel colouring books use happy themes and also uses shape to make it easier for the kids. Products that exist today I would say is books that teach kids a life lesson and how clever they are with teaching them that lesson in the book.

Peer Feedback

• Summarise peer feedback and discuss– Responses you agree with– Responses you disagree with