Costume List


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Costume List

• For our music video Danny Billz wore a white t-shirt, black jeans and black trainers. One of the main reasons why we chose to dress DB in plain clothing was because we wanted the audience to focus strictly on the performance instead of being side-tracked by branded clothing. We chose Danny Billz to wear black and white because my partner and I wanted to convey connotations of these colours and how this reflected the profile of the character. The connotations of the colour black is the idea of a mystery or the unknown, I feel this correlates with Danny Billz as he is telling a story that is unknown to the audience, even though they may be aware of similar conditions. The colour white has connotations to the idea of purity and innocence, I feel this correlates with Danny Billz, as in this music video he is being released from prison, as well as expressing his difficult past. I also think the mix of black and white goes very well.

Danny Billz

• Young Danny Billz played two significant roles in our music video, the role of YDB at school and on the roads. For YDB at school it was only right we made him wearing his school uniform, which is the ‘Bridge Academy’ Secondary School uniform. Alternatively, YDB played the role of a past Danny Billz riding on the streets meeting his friends and mixing with drugs. Therefore, we made YDB look like a stereotypical youth on the streets, wearing a black tracksuit and trainers. These is a conventional outfit for a ‘youth’ as they think all black hides their identity.

Young Danny Billz

• Dizzle plays the part of YDB’s street friend and the person that supplies his drugs. As his a drug affiliate we made him look fashionable, but the simple effect of just having his hood up, makes him look intimidating and a criminal of society (stereotype).


• As I attend six form we have to dress formal, and this was convenient for me playing the police officer as from what I know interviewers generally wear formal clothing and not a police outfit. I chose to wear plain clothing as I also did not want to stand out to the audience, but just look formal, which allows the audience to focus on the narrative but also makes me look suitable to the role.

Police Officer

• Gip plays the role of YDB’s school friend therefore it was logical to just make him dress in his school uniform ( same as YDB).

