Christmas pictures and nativity scenes



Christmas Nativity Scene and pictures are installed at a number of places during the festive season. The Nativity Scene comprises of Infant Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Wise Men, Angels, Shepherds and Sheep.

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Christmas pictures and Nativity scenes

Popular Christmas installations

Christmas pictures and Nativity scenes could be widely seen all around during the festival. Christmas installations are not only about Christian symbols, a number of customs and decorations have secular meaning.


When one thinks about Christmas, pictures of fir trees and Santa Claus come to mind. Both the symbols are considered secular. Therefore you can see them in almost all homes during the festive season throughout the United States

Infant Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Infant Jesus, Mary and Joseph form the Nativity Scene. The Scene is often installed under the Christmas Tree. People also install it at other spots in their homes. In the Scene the infant Jesus is lying in a crib while Joseph and Mary are nursing him.

Wise Men, Angels, Shepherds and Sheep

The Nativity Scene is not complete unless Wise Men, Angels, Shepherds and Sheep are included in the Scene. These humans, angels and animals have come to see the newborn king. They have also brought gifts for the baby Christ. The entire Scene is set in a stable. At some churches and schools you may also see live Nativity Scene
