Camera shots for magazines


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Camera shots and their effectiveness

Long Shot ❖ A long shot allows a photo to present and allow the viewer to visually see a full

image of, in this case, a music artist. This could be a way of giving an image for an artist, as a full shot shows their particular look and gives the reader a first

idea of their style and music. It can also give a fierce effect if you would like it to, because of the fact that the full body is shown could be seen as dominant and powerful. They are also used for interesting poses like Jessie J’s pose which is

eventuated and bold. The person focusses on her body

Medium Shot A medium shot could be from knees to waist up, and gives an initial profile of the

person on the cover, making it not too zoomed out or zoomed in. Using this, you could present the persons facial features or expressions but also presenting their fashion or

clothing that could add to the style of their music or the style of the magazine. It gives an effective approach and first sight of the magazine and is easy to catch the

readers attention due to its size.

I would definitely present or use this in my magazine as it suits the style of Pop and it gives a great impact on the artist and magazine, and is also quite a popular


Close up shot A close up shot can also be used to present mainly only from the shoulders up. This

can be used to make the artist look fierce, or possibly successful and ‘big’ in the music industry. This is quite common but with different articles to try an capture the subject.

Close-up shots focus on the subject’s face. Many of them gain the viewers attention because you don’t normally see a person’s face that close up in real life unless you are really close to them. It makes you feel close to the artist. The subject is looking right

at the audienceThis would definitely be an option for my magazine as it is a popular shot to use, and

could allow my magazine to have potential and to be effective for the style of my made up artist.