Best Shots from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards


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A guinea pig

An albatross gets nosy.

“So what? I almost have it.”

'Laughing moose'. (Photo by Sami Rahkonen/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards/Mercury Press)

'Last tango'. (Photo by Tony Dilger/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards/Mercury Press)

Norma andersson's entry. (Photo by Norma Andersson/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards/Mercury Press)

A swan chasing ducks. (Photo by Graham Brown/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards/Mercury Press)

A baboon with a crisp packet. (Photo by Maigorzata Szypula/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards/Mercury Press)

(Photo by William Richardson/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards/Mercury Press)

A giraffe appearing to poke it's neck out of a truck. (Photo by Marilyn Parver/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards/Mercury Press)

A ladybug takes leap.Femke Warmer / Comedy Wildlife Awards / Mercury Press

A monkey gets grumpy.Tony Murtagh / Comedy Wildlife Awards / Mercury Press

A meerkat makes love to the camera.Marius Z. / Comedy Wildlife Awards / Mercury Press

Cows give directions.Tom Bird / Comedy Wildlife Awards / Mercury Press

