Advertisement connor wake


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Understanding issues relevant to design

AdvertisementConnor Wake

Different types of advertising.

Types of advertisement

Digital such as tv clips.


Side of buses





Social m


Text messages


On packages

Ad pop ups e.g. games

Advertising Methods

Online advertising (digital)

Online advertising is the aim to target customers using the means of the advertising. This can come under social media, youtube, websites etc. This is used to target people who use social media and also digital things such as adverts on tv to sell products nation or worldwide. They randomly pop up with an advert so it doesn’t go off recent history.

Print advertising

Print media advertising is a form of advertising that uses physically printed media, such as magazines and newspapers, to reach consumers, business customers and prospects.

Guerilla advertising

Guerrilla marketing is an advertisement strategy concept designed for businesses to promote their products or services in an unconventional way with little budget to spend. Guerilla advertising usually is on places such as lampposts, side of buildings and also on benches etc. They can be legal if the company asked the council what is usually big companies such as kit kat and they can be illegal what are usually from smaller companies and they are usually on lampposts.

Broadcast advertising

Broadcast advertising is adverts on television during commercial breaks. This is random and doesn’t go off what you watch but there is some restraints, these restraints are that if you are watching a kids channel such as cbeebies there will be adverts only suitable for their target audience what in this case is kids so an alcohol advert won’t pop up it would just be adverts for kids toys.

Outdoor advertising

Outdoor advertising is any advert that is in the outside this includes adverts on the walls of tram stops billboards etc. They are usually used for food or for movies. They are poster like adverts with little writing, a lot of colour and images.

Product placement advertising

Product placement advertising is usually used in movies or tv shows to make people be like the person in the movie so they buy the things they own in a movie, for example in James bond there is a wide use of Aston Martin cars and only them cars making people who want to be like James Bond go out and buy one. This could also be used where only apple products etc.

Mobile advertising

Mobile advertising is used through text messages and emails etc. This would be used if a new product comes out you would receive an email to try and make you buy the product. If your phone company for example 3 is sponsored by a film or something you would receive messages sponsoring that film trying to get you to go and watch that movie.

Packaging advertising

Packaging advertisement is used to promote their business and it could also advertise other companies or products for example twinkies has a shrek edition where it is green cream instead of the white cream. As well as this if a company's packaging is dropped to form littering it is bad as it is littering but it is good as it is also promoting the company making people want to buy the products.

Design Context

Before making an advert you will need to know certain information. This information is things that include who the target market is. The target market is who the product is aimed at for example, male or female, what age they are etc. They will also need to know what the aspect of the advert is going to be such as if it's going to be a billboard or a tv advert and how it's going to be done such as all text, images and also what colours there going to use and things like that. You also need to know what is in the product for example if it is a food product any allergy information it has on it. If you are also making an advert you need to know if there is a certain logo you need to use throughout the advert, you also need to know any terms and conditions or if it is to do with a deal when the deal ends etc. The person who makes the work also need to know what budget they have for the advert and also when they want the advert to be televised if it's a tv advert for example prime time adverts and if they have the budget to do that. They also need to know what writing is going to be on the poster for example a slogan, what the company is, what the price is, if there's a deal on and if there is then how long it's on for and the name of the product is.

Constraints in advertising.


The law has requirements that you must follow when making an advert. This includes certain things that can’t be advertised this would include criminal things such as murder and people doing drugs etc. These things cannot be used on adverts at all. There is also certain things you can advertise after post watershed what includes swearing in adverts and things for older people such as things to do with sex etc. This is because all kids who do not know about this will be in bed not sat downstairs with their families so it is only meant to be seen by older personel so that's why is is put on after post watershed what is 9pm and onwards. There is also some adverts that can't be on certain channels at all this includes alcohol and cigarette adverts as they won't be able to be on a kids channel as that would make them want them etc.


Money is meant as money spent in an advert for example if a corner shop or a small local business wants to put on an advert on television they would need to make sure they have that amount of money in full straight away to pay or reach an agreement with the people who put it on the TV. This would also apply to all businesses and that’s why only well known popular brands are used in the ‘prime time’ TV spot as that’s the only businesses who have the money to afford it then flip a profit from this.


Ethics is advertising things that some people may find offensive or disrespectful. This can include advertising fast food such as mcdonalds to the younger generation as this is saying that fast food is good and that they should have it that leads to medical issues such as obesity so some people find this offensive, a popular case of this is a yorkie chocolate bar as that whole advert is saying ‘no girls allowed’ this was offensive to most women publicising sexism. This also works for homophobic behaviour, racism and other things like that so should be careful when thinking about adverts. You also need to be careful when making a name for a product as there may be cross cultural or cross language difficulties as a swear word might mean something in a different country and be used what would cause offense to others.

Communication in advertising

Poster 1I like this poster as it shows the point with one half being wine what is the alcohol aspect and one half being a driving aspect. The poster is colourful on one half what shows life and fun and the other half is dark and not as nice this impacts on each other as it shouldn't be merged and done together. The writing is also bold and stands out being able to read it from a distance what is powerful and effective, the slogan being chose on not both gets straight to the point and is short what shows a powerful effect telling you what to do. Overall I like this poster but I would change the wine portion as the circle but isn't clear to me. This poster is an advice strategy, it is this type of poster as it has 2 halves of the poster and telling you to chose one. This is advice as it is saying if you pick both then it will have a bad effect on you and it is using this to benefit you and others around you and so you become a better person. This poster is overall aimed at personal over 18 as that's the legal age to have alcoholic beverages and to also drive so it is aimed at them.

Poster 2This poster is plain and simple but has a high effect. It is just a poster with writing but the writing is bold and also has letters being bolder and a different colour in the word driving what spells out die. This is a high impact as it shows the risk and result of doing this. The colour red also indicated blood so this is a very plain but very effective poster and I prefer this to the first one as it doesn't have any pictures what are undersecretary and shows the result of drink driving what makes people not do it. This poster is overall aimed at personal over 18 as that's the legal age to have alcoholic beverages and to also drive so it is aimed at them. Again this is an advice or empathy strategies as it is making you have empathy for others around you and what you can end up doing to them and at the sametime it is making you stop drink driving as it shows the outcome of what happens if you drink and drive.

Poster 3I like this poster as like the second it is simple but with 2 pictures what show the result of what happens as a result of drink driving. The slogan is catchy and snappy in my opinion what also shows the risk of what happens. This is my favourite poster as I like the slogan and the colour scheme of black and white, I also like the images as it shows an effect it has from drink driving. This poster is overall aimed at personal over 18 as that's the legal age to have alcoholic beverages and to also drive so it is aimed at them. This poster is yet again advice as it is telling you what to do and is making you stop drink and driving. It also has a bit of humor in the poster as it is taking the mic out of when cars go to 0-60 in a certain time so there is some hidden humor in them.

Poster 4I like this poster because of the effect with the number being bold and then blood rings as 0’s it emphasis on the number of deaths but I think it is a bit too much writing as people reading the poster would get half way and get bored and stop reading or see the amount of writing and not bother reading it this overall takes the effect of the poster making it a low quality and less effective poster making it not as good as the other posters. This poster is overall aimed at personal over 18 as that's the legal age to have alcoholic beverages and to also drive so it is aimed at them.This poster is yet again advice as it is telling you what to do and is making you stop drink and driving.

Poster 5This poster is very good graphically drawing the reader's attention to it with the effects used such as the tonal shading and the animated drawings, however I think this drawing would only be for kids as if an adult or teen sees this they wouldn't take it seriously as it is animated but it does show the effect it could have on you. I think this poster would be good for kids growing up to drive as it would scare them making them not do it but even then they may not take it seriously but visually it is the best poster in my opinion. This poster is overall aimed at personal over 18 as that's the legal age to have alcoholic beverages and to also drive so it is aimed at them.This poster is yet again advice as it is telling you what to do and is making you stop drink and driving.