Actress choosingd


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Casting For ActressJohrul Haque


After analysing different pop music videos we found that sometimes there are a group of background actors which may help to emphasise the artists power. Also in pop music narratives there is another actress or actor playing the artists role in the music video. Also we wanted to have a group of girls in our narrative to show girl power and how friends can stick together to support their friends.


Ideally what we want is that our artist should have a different look to our main artist

Should be the similar height as the artist

Different ethnicity from our artist to show equality

Long, dark coloured hair

Our Actress

Long HairDark Coloured Hair

Different ethnicity to artist

Different style to our artist

We chose Nadya as our actress because she has previous experience in acting and she met our requirements. But there was limitations when we were searching for our actress because it was at such short notice that we decided to add another actress in our music video to make it a narrative. which is why we had to use a previous student to star in our music video as our actress.